Logo: Tacoma Needle Exchange


Dave Purchase Project provides services to community members in Pierce County using a harm reduction approach; these services include safe injection supplies, naloxone training and distribution, safer sex supplies, and referrals for medication assisted treatment and other medical services. Our outreach staff attempts to meet people where they are at, and to help them address their needs in the safest and healthiest way possible, free of judgement and stigma.

Our syringe exchange services began in 1988. Our founder, Dave Purchase, decided that he was going to help our community address the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic by providing new injection supplies to drug users, with the understanding that when a person uses a new syringe and injection supplies, they minimize the risks of contracting blood borne viruses associated with drug use. Additionally, Dave found that by providing these services to community members, he was able to build a level of trust, which allowed him to engage in deeper conversations with participants about their drug use, sex practices, and other issues.

We continue today to provide services using Dave’s model, asking that our participants do their best to bring their used injection supplies to the exchange sites to receive new ones. Our outreach staff has also developed strong working relationships with service providers throughout the South Puget Sound region, and when we cannot meet the immediate needs of a participant, we are often able to refer them to an appropriate provider.

Certified Peer Counselor

Counselors are typically available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 10am to 2pm.

Certified Peer Counselors are people who have experienced mental health challenges and/or substance use challenges in their own lives and are living in recovery, and so model competency in ongoing coping and recovery skills.